Monday, December 13, 2010

First letter!

I thought I'd use the time on my first night to write you guys and tell you how everything is going on my first day in the MTC. This place is awesome! Since I first walked in the doors I felt the spirit. It felt good to get my name badge and finally have proof that I am a missionary. My companion is from Utah and has a southern accent. He is a cool guy. He's feeling really home sick and wants to go home.  I haven't started to feel home sick or anything, because I know that this is where I am meant to be right now. I am a shy person, but during classes and stuff I have no problem talking about spiritual stuff, and I know Heavenly Father is blessing me with that. I think that's it for now, everything is new and exciting! I love you guys and thank  you SO much for raising me to be good. You guys are good parents, for reals. Tell everyone else I'm doing amazing and that I love them all! Bye! Elder Kevin Ellsworth.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

And so it begins...

Dec. 8, 2010 was one of those bitter-sweet kind of days.  It was so hard to say good-bye to Elder Ellsworth there at the curb of the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, yet felt so happy for the great service he will give and the great man he will become.  Chris, Donna, & Spencer were there for the send off.  As is our tradition, if doing an activity twice qualifies as a tradition, we drove away, found a place to stop and write letters of love, admiration, and encouragement, then put them in the mail so our missionary would have letters as soon they could be delivered. It seems to be a therapeutic exercise after that emotional moment :-)

When the call came 9 weeks ago it seemed such a short time to prepare, but as the weeks wore on, he just wanted to get going. In reality though, he's been preparing his whole life for this. He looked great and blended into the sea of 19 or 20 something year old Elders in dark suits. Actually, we thought he was the most amazing of them all!  We'll see you in 2 years Kevin!